Saturday, August 15, 2009

We've been trying to finish the basement this summer, so the vacation budget has really suffered! Despite that, we did go to the Homestead in July. I remember going there as a child and thinking how run down and kinda yucky it was so I wasn't really excited to go there . I always thought that Buck really wouldn't want to vacation so close to his hometown anyway. But, it was the 4th of July and our choices were limited, so we ended up at the Homestead and were completely surprised at how nice it was,
AND we had an amazing time to boot!
Here's a few photos........
Me and the kids.
(BTW, Justin isn't really as
brain damaged as he looks)

Buck and the kids.

(Aren't they all just adorable)

Goofiness, just plain goofiness!

A little SLOW......

K, so I'm more than a little slow at updating my blog! But, thanks to Lindsay P. for helping me make this page so amazingly cute. Now I guess I have to post. One problem, the card reader on my computer is kaput. So, as soon as I get that fixed, I'll start blogging in earnest. (pics are more interesting than what I might have to say.) I promise! I did successfully add a badge for my facebook page tho (all by myself). Woot! Woot!